seek relief

美 [siːk rɪˈliːf]英 [siːk rɪˈliːf]
  • 寻求缓解
seek reliefseek relief
  1. Foreclosure victim will seek relief from the court of appeals .


  2. Therefore , they will put their own desires crazy , evil through the cleansing sense of shame and to seek relief .


  3. Burma 's President Thein Sein came to power last year and instituted these reforms to seek relief from the economic sanctions .


  4. The sight of him always around in his untidy clothes and gloomy appearance drove Carrie to seek relief in other places .


  5. We can seek relief through administrative review , judicial review and WTO dispute settlement mechanism if EU make unfair decision due to non-market economy status of China .


  6. The preliminary task in any attempt to obtain judicial review of an agency action in the federal system is to determine the proper court in which to seek relief .


  7. When frustrated people began to seek relief , we have demonstrated this new type of administrative disputes on the " powerless " and thus fell into relief the difficulty .


  8. Living in reclusion is both the style of life for the Survivor Ci-poets and the natural choice for them to seek relief in tragic life experiences .


  9. People turn to seek relief from court when they are in despair , in the same way as a dying man quits his doctor and turns to buy " magic medicine " from a swindler .


  10. If things had gone Warranty responsibility to seek relief , it must be from a legal liability on the warranty to regulate the content and manner of relief , so that the right to a legal basis for relief .


  11. Case exposed a lot of problems , such as victims seek relief through litigation and the high cost of litigation experience the enthusiasm of counsel are not high difficulty ; accept the jurisdiction of the Court of groups in litigation is not clear ; poor communication between the courts .


  12. Brand Sense intends to seek immediate relief from the probate court 's order .


  13. ( If a timely objection to the order is filed , however , EPA must seek injunctive relief ( section 5 ( e ) . )


  14. When property registration is mistaken , the injured party can seek the relief through many kinds of ways , such as the corrected registration , objection registration , and damage compensation .


  15. The service behavior of tax revenue is a legal duty of tax authority , in tax authority can not perform or can not perform the duty of service appropriately , taxpayer has right to seek legal relief .


  16. Still , Mr Obama 's imposition of tariffs will tempt more industries and unions to seek similar relief , and he will have to decide whether this decision is a template or an exception .


  17. Accordingly , Party A has the right to seek injunctive relief or specific performance as a remedy for any actual or threatened breach , in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity under or independently of this agreement .


  18. In this paper , the design of the specific procedures of the mediation system while also raised the way to seek judicial relief for invalid mediation agreement can be revoked , the mediation agreement and how to eliminate the root causes of illegal mediation program .


  19. Administrative reconsideration as a citizen to seek administrative relief , the administrative organ of internal supervision is an effective way , it not only played the role of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens , civil and administrative organs , administrative organs internal contact communication link .


  20. Can I see another 's grief , and not seek for kind relief ?


  21. And not seek for kind relief ?


  22. Pressure Mounts on Greece to Seek International Debt Relief


  23. MGM wants documents to evaluate whether it needs to seek preliminary injunctive relief to stop Universal from moving forward with Section 6 .


  24. However , on the one hand , the law is not perfect and the relevant theoretical research lag , on the other hand , the fund holders are in the disadvantageous position , to seek the legal relief is difficult for the fund holders .


  25. If the SEC decides to act , the agency can slap S & P with a civil fine , force disgorgement of fees and or seek other appropriate equitable relief .


  26. But in recent years , they are confronted with the fund-raising plight . In their development stays a greatest block how to effectively seek funds for the relief of the difficulty in capital-turnover because of their management and production expanding and to meet their financial demand .


  27. Introduction of ' piercing the corporate veil ' system , trying to ' sanctions ' on those ' abusive shareholders ' who abuse the independent corporate personality and limited liability of shareholders , and to seek new channels of relief for the general interests of creditors .
